Saturday, July 24, 2010

Harry Lauder's Walking Stick, Avellana Corylus, 'Contorta'

I've had my Avellana Corylus, 'Contorta' (Harry Lauder's Walking Stick) known as Contoured Haze-Nut to most people, in mu urban garden for a little over two years. The burgundy leaves on this shrub are beautiful, but I like the shrub for its unusual branching pattern so much that, two years ago, I took the Long Island Railroad from Penn Station in Manhattan, to Bayside, (in Queens) to pick up this shrub. It was a hot July day in 2008 when I did this, and the subways and trains were packed with locals and tourists, making it difficult for me to navigate the crowds carrying this shrub. Once home I had to carry it up five flights of stairs, but it has been well worth the effort. The winding, twisted branches are a joy to behold, and it will be an interesting subject for the Petite or Large Wrap-Aroud Card Collection. Details will announced when they become available, so please continue to visit this blog as well as my web-site for details.

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