Friday, October 22, 2010

My Speaking Engagement and Presentation (Web Site Tour) at Apple in The Big Apple

I indicated in an early "unofficial" post that in addition to my weekly Saturday morning postings, I would post when an occasion presented itself. This post is to serve as my personal "press-release" to tell you that I am one of four people to have been selected by Apple to give a presentation and site tour of my web-site, (an extensive on-line brochure) which I created in i-WEB (a program on Mac Book Pro). I did this with the assistance of extraordinary trainers at the one-to-one program offered by the Apple Store on  67th and Broadway (which is located in the Upper Westside of Manhattan). This will take place on Wednesday October 27th 2010. The event begins at 6:00 PM and there is no admission fee. Please visit the link and once you are there, scroll to October 27th 2010 for details (it is next to a blue star).

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