Thursday, November 25, 2010

What Scarecrows Teach About Thanksgiving

I caught a glimpse of the scarecrows pictured above as they were relaxing. They had done their job for the year: watching the fields of crops that provide people everywhere with bountiful harvests at Thanksgiving and always. They are smart, these scarecrows; even though a famous one vowed that he "didn't have a brain." The scarecrows are smart because they know they need their 'comrades' to do a good job and to enjoy life, as these two appear to be doing.

Today, on this celebration of Thanksgiving, may you be blessed with the insight of knowing how we all need each other; it is the wisdom imparted to everyone from beloved scarecrow in  The Wizard of Oz. So have a happy Thanksgiving Holiday, and as you reflect on people in your life, think about sending them a card in the next coming days to let them know they mean something to you. I have designed perfect cards for sending such a message. Each one of my cards is about more than communication, and far more personal than sending an "E" card. You can view my selections via the store-front pages of my web-site where purchase information is also available. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.

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