Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ignatius's PURR-fect Posting

Hello, dear reader, My name Ignatius the Cat, and I belong to a priest (or should I say he belongs to me heh . . , heh. . . . heh). He  probably calls me Ignatius for Saint Ignatius, but I won't tell you what I call him. In any event, he is always taking pictures of me (for obvious reasons) so when I found out about The Last Leaf Gardner Blog's posting about painted rocks with cats as the 'subjects,' and that the artist who rendered them did custom rocks from photographs, I made sure I would look right into the camera when the priest took a photograph of me — for I knew, upon seeing my picture, the priest would not be able to resist having a custom rock made in honor of me.

It worked, the minute he saw my picture, he "commissioned" Phyllis (the artist) to do a custom rock and it came out great, as you can see in an image of the rock posted below.

I am sharing this with you because 'tis the season for Chanukah gifts (you have until December 8th), or stocking stuffers (Christmas is only twenty days a way, December 25th) and for the cat-lover in your life, 'tis the purrfect time to order a custom rock.

You can find the info about who to contact about this via previous posts by going here or here.

And have you done your Christmas or Chanukah cards yet? I know us cats have nine lives, but you humans probably don't, so check out the great selection of greeting cards on Patricia Youngquist's (the author of this blog) web-site where purchase information is also available for invitations that preserve a moment in time, program covers that enhance an occasion, and cards that are about more than communication. 

BTW, Many of these selections are from Youngquist's original prints which can be found on the web-site also.

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