Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Honoring National Quilt Day and the Inspiration of Nature's Colors

Once again, National Quilting Day (March 19th), has come and gone, but I am happy to learn today (even though it is now one month later), that "quilters are flexible" and "love to extend a celebration" by "unofficially expanding it for the whole month of March"; but, "Why stop  the celebration with the month of March?",  is my question.

Especially when certain quilters such as Patricia Rosa (designer of the quilt in the photograph at the top of this blog entry), confesses that, in the past few years, she has noticed the beauty in "the Chartreuse of Spring",  and is in the process of capturing this observation in the quilts that she designs.

Ms. Rosa's latest creation is yet another indicator to me of the many ways people perceive the first signs of the Spring — a belief of mine that I discussed in a previous post, Perspectives on the Arrival of Spring,  which you can read (or re-read) by clicking here.

Of course, all seasons bring inspiration, and Patricia Rosa has created other quilts based on the gifts of color all of nature brings, such as the hues of Autumn which she has rendered into a quilt seen in the photograph posted below, 

using colors and patterns most likely inspired from the beautiful fall foliage in the New York Catskill Mountain area where she owns Rosa Mountain House, a place where she also gives retreats for quilters. By no means am I a quilter, nor do I have anything to do with sewing for that matter, so I have not been to one of Ms. Rosa's retreats. However, I have been to the Rosa Mountain House, and hiked in its surrounding areas (Diamond Notch Falls), which inspired images used in my collection of invitations that enhance any occasion, event program covers that preserve a moment in time, and cards that are about more than communication.

Some of my collections that encompass images inspired by the surrounding area of Rosa Mountain House have been purchased by the actress, Donna Wandrey, as well as the librettist, Charles Leipart including ones from the images posted below:

Details about my invitations, event program covers and greeting cards can be found in my downloadable paper-brochure as well as the store-front pages of my web-site where purchase information is available. Details about Patricia Rosa's quilts, including my favorite (seen in an image posted below),

inspired by her daughter's love for Piet Mondrain, can be found by clicking here.

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