Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"Trees are much like human beings and enjoy each other’s company. Only a few love to be alone." ~Jens Jensen, Siftings, 1939

According to Jens Jensen, "Trees are much like human beings and enjoy each other’s company. Only a few love to be alone." WhileI am not sure how much people enjoy each other's company (as much as they enjoy their own company) in the narcissistic world that we live in today; one thing appears certain: the tree (seen in the photograph posted above) seems like it might want to cozy up with anyone who sits on the steps.

I came upon this interesting sight of a brownstone whose staircase railing is intertwined with a tree trunk whilst walking in my neighborhood. I think it begs the question: Which came first? 

Perhaps the folks dwelling in the apartment (pictured in the photograph posted below) under the branch-intertwined raiing have the answer?

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