Sunday, October 16, 2011


It's a difficult time for a lot of people at this time, but my pumpkins are taking in the beauty of the fall season as they joyfully make themselves at home amidst the leaves and buds of my Autumn Clematis which I grow in my urban (New York City) terrace garden, prompting yours truly to modify an old movie quote and to say,"I'll have what they are having!"

Winter will come soon enough, so they are enjoying the beauty that they have now, and I  invite you to do the same for yourself, and also for those near and dear to you, by sending them a greeting card that yours truly has designed in honor of Halloween, which is only fourteen days (including today) away . . .

So what are you waiting for? You can view my line of cards for this occasion by going to the Card Shoppe Pages in my web-site, Patricia Youngquist Photo-Art, or by clicking here.

P.S. As always, dear reader, I appreciate it when you weigh in with your comments, thoughts, ideas and reacttions. If you are new to posting this type of thing, you may click here for directions. 

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