Saturday, March 20, 2010

Springtime in the Greenhouse

On this first full day of spring, as I indicated in my previous post this morning, (I’m on a roll, two posts in one day, could this be spring fever?), my urban outdoor garden’s herbs, plants, trees and shrubs are not quite ready to 7#8220;pose” as images for cards — even though my i–CAL says it is the first day of spring. For now, my best choice for honoring this season is my Black and White card, Springtime in the Greenhouse,(posted above). It is available for purchasethrough my web–site .

This card is derived from a print of the same name. The actual print is celebrating spring too, because today, March 20th, 2010, it is my donation to fundraiser for The Foundation Fighting Blindness. (Details about how I became involved in this event can be read here.)

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