Saturday, October 16, 2010

Reminder:No Posting Today: Autumn Travel

As I indicated in my first entry, an "unofficial" post, before the regularity of this blog there will be no posting today, October 16th 2010. At the time I posted this information, I knew I'd be making a trip to see the fall foliage, but had no way of knowing it would be to Vermont Stage in Burlington Vermont to see Donna Wandrey, a client who purchased wrap-around cards, whom I wrote about in an earlier post. She is playing Amanda in Tennessee William's play, The Glass Menagerie. I referred to this play in a previous post relating to memories and note-cards. That was back in the winter - long before Donna's accepting the role of Amanda. I will be back to my regularly scheduled posting on October 23rd, 2010 but will post a review before then.

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