Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Funny Valentines (Influence of Snowmen/women on my new line of Valentine's cards)

"The snowman is an integral part of our world culture," writes Bob Eckstein (The History of the Snowman),"and pops up in rare prints, paintings, early movies, advertising, and over the past century, in every art form imaginable." Eckstein's tribute to this "King of Kitsch" is a fun read and informative too — especially for those who want to know about the snowman's roots (it happens to be the Dark Ages). I, too, have been inspired by snowmen — or snow sculptures — as I have called them (in four previous posts which you can read by clicking here as well as here and here, and here), especially the ones I've seen in Central Park in New York City, such as the one in the photo posted above this blog entry. It is a snow figure I pegged as Snow Diva in Central Park and subsequently rendered into a single-sided all occasion greeting card. (This can be found in the storefront pages of my web-site where purchase information is available.)

The problem for me in building snow sculptures is that it usually too bloody cold, so, recently, in my quest to create a snow sculpture and still be warm, I came up with a unique snow figure in the warmth of my studio, and then rendered it into a limited edition of valentines which you can send on Valentine's Day (reminder it is only nine days away) also known as Sõbrapäev or Ystävänpäivä as I've discussed in previous posts. 

You may click here to view a slideshow of these new cards in Vimeo.

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