Thursday, March 3, 2011

. . . and ALEADY A LION!

Most everyone has heard the adage, "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes", for weather is certainly variable! Today is bitter cold, but, as I stated two days ago, March came in like a lamb, with very warm temperatures. (And for the first time since December of 2010, I even went on a Tandem bike ride in an effort to get ready for The Five Boro Bike Tour coming up in May. The Five Boro ride is something I have written about in a previous post which you may refer to by clicking here and here).

However, from the feel of today, I wonder how much cycling I will be able to do before this years Five Boro Bike Tour, and I am certainly glad, that in terms of gardening, that I heeded to the warning I made in my blog post two days ago, regarding being tempted by March-as-lamb weather, and succumbing to the lure of balmy temperatures, when it comes to gardening.

During this down time for "regular"gardeners and urban gardeners, my selection of note-cards that I design are perfect for folks to send to their green-thumb comrades to help them make it through the (hopefully) final days of winter. I highly recommend, my card titled Earthen Vessels (aka Clay Pots) for this purpose. You can see it in the second  "box" in the sidebar to the right of this blog. However, if you prefer, cards that feature what grows in a garden, I have nice selections in the store-front pages of my web-site where purchase information is also available.

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