Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Doesn't God know its my birthday?"

The photograph posted above is of yours truly with one of my sisters. Today is her birthday, and being born in the month of March, her birthdays have seen springlike temperatures as well as bitter snowstorms. I will always recall one such birthday when inclement weather ruled the day. We were children, and a raging snowstorm turned to heavy rain and caused power wires to come down, endangering the safety of our neighborhood. 

My sister, anticipating her party favorite — Angel Food Cake and Peppermint Ice-cream — looked forlornly out the window and inquired, "Doesn't God know its my birthday?" Sisters make good friends, and I think they should be honored with a card  from time to time to let them know how meaningful they are whether it is their birthday or just an ordinary day. The selections of cards in my virtual flip book (slide presentation), as well as my web-site (where purchase information is available) are a classy way to acknowledge your sister. If you aren't blessed with a biological sister, then perhaps there is someone in your life who is like a sister (or a brother) to you, and it might be time during this fickle weather of March to let them know their value.

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