Friday, April 22, 2011

Flower arrangements for your head table

Ever wonder what type of flowers are best for a head table at a wedding reception? The answer is — any type of flower. Of course, there are different styles that are best for different lengths of head table.

Another small arrangement for a sweetheart table. It works well for a small table because the flowers don’t hang too far (or heavily) over the edge, but hang over the table on the sides. Flowers used include white tulips and calla lilies, red and white roses, white orchids and ti leaves.

I need to revisit this topic with some long table flower arrangements. Back I go to dig through my pictures…
This is probably one of the larger, more lush flower arrangements I’ve seen on a sweetheart table. Sweetheart tables are smaller, obviously, so a large arrangement can overwhelm the table and block the couple the spotlight is supposed to be on. But I do love this arrangement — blooming, loose lavender roses, white orchids and casablancas, my favorite flower.

Here’s a yellow arrangement, from the same wedding as the one featured in my site logo. :) I believe that this was the center arrangement of a long head table, while the arrangements pictured above were placed at each side at a distance. You know, three arrangement on one long table, with the biggest one in the center. Flowers used here include yellow lilies, yellow roses, yellow calla lilies and white tulips. Pretty, huh?

This head table is actually shorter than a lot of head tables I’ve decorated, seating about eight people, I think. So the arrangement isn’t that long. Flowers in this arrangement, for a golden anniversary celebration, include yellow roses, orange daisies (not the gerber type), stock, orchids and stargazers.

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