Friday, April 15, 2011

"Anybody here seen my old friend Abraham?" Happy Emancipation Day . . . BUT FIRST A Moment of Silence for Abraham Lincoln

As most everyone knows today's date, April 15th, is associated with the IRS. Normally in New York City, at the twenty-four hour post-office located on Thrirty-Fourth Street and Eighth Avenue, folks are lined up around the block, late at night — in whatever weather condition happens to be occurring — to meet the deadline of having their tax documentation postmarked before midnight. Tonight that will probably not be the case. The news this week has been filled with relief for procrastinators, like myself, as I confessed a couple of days ago, who wait until the last minute to file their taxes. So probably no lines tonight this year, due to  the fact that since the holiday, Emancipation Day, (passed by Abraham Lincoln honoring Lincoln's freeing of 3,100 slaves in the District of Columbia on April 16, 1862 — nearly three years to the date before he was assassinated) falls on a Saturday this year, it is being celebrated today, Friday, the fifteenth of April; and hence the extension, and an apparent cause for célèbre.

However, this also being the day of April after Lincoln was assassinated (on April 14th, 1865), perhaps you'd like to honor it by listening to Dion's, Abraham, Martin, and John by clicking here.

I grew up in Illinois,"Land of Lincoln", and since I have stated in my 'About' segment on this blog that I may refer to people that influence or have influenced me, this is one of those occasions.

Information for the image used at the top of today's blog post can be found by clicking here.

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