Thursday, April 28, 2011

watchin' grass grow DISCLAIMER

"They say watching grass grow is boring . . . "  Au Contraire!  As an urban gardener, I love the subtleties of watching things grow, and what I have to say is this: Ain't nothin' borin' about watchin' the Actinida kolomikta and its partner, Actimida (Kiwi Vine) grow. One of the many attractions of growing an Actinida kolomitka (Kiwi Vine), is their variegated foliage, as the leaves merge (and I do mean merge) into spring, they are green but they soon pick up splotches of white, as seen in the photograph posted above, which was taken today. Pink tips will soon follow as will blossoms, but this plant is grown primarily for its trailing ability, and trail it does.

April (Almost Two Years Old) Week One :

April (Almost Two Years Old) Week Two:

April (Almost Two Years Old) Week Three:

April (Almost Two Years Old) Week Four:

Iam truly looking forward to more gawking and gazing at this amazing vine, a "star" of many previous posts which you can refer to by going to the following links:

Urban Garden Party (April 9th 2011)

Lighting a Fire Inside the Heart   (December 13th 2010)

Canopy of Actinida kolomikta (November 4th 2010)

And BTW, in the not too distant future, I will be uploading a movie to You Tube (that I have been working on for several weeks) that features my Actinida kolomikta, so, dear reader, please continue to visit this blog for details, and if any of you out in cyberspace grow this lovely vine, I'd appreciate a chance to hear about your experiences — if you can tear yourself away from the beautiful vine to post a comment. 


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