Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Flowers and Intensity of Love

Flowers and Intensity of Love

It is now very commonly known by the people that every flower delivers a message in it self when we gift them to someone. But mostly people do not know about the meanings of most flowers as widely it is considered that rose is the flower that has all the strength to express the feeling of love. The expression of love through flowers is possible with other flowers than roses too. Every flower that sends a message about love expresses the different level of intensity of love

  • Carnation

You can Gift Carnations to a loved one when you want to deliver the message like; betrothal, love and fertility.

  • Anemone

This flower depicts the dying love. Simply when someone wants to mourn the death of love in a relationship the flower will perfectly deliver their feelings.

  • Bluebell

Bluebell delivers the message of constancy and everlasting love.
Express you never ending love for your sweet heart through this flower.

  • Buttercup

Childishness is depicted through the Buttercup flower.

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