Thursday, August 25, 2011

SIXTY WORDS (60), Yes, SIXTY, Create a Picture — Who said it had to be a thousand?

Sixty words,


'The mouse of Thought infests my head.

He knows my cupboard and the crumb.

     Vermin! I despise vermin. 

I have no trap, no skill with traps,

No bait, no hope, no cheese no bread — 

I fumble with the task to no avail.

I've seen him several times lately.

He is too quick for me, 

I see only his tail.'

Create a picture,

The writings of E.B. White, author of the poem posted above, are something that I have always enjoyed, as I have stated in previous entries on this blog which you may refer to by clicking here as well as here and here; and, for my readers who are writers that, like yours truly, suffer from time to time with a stubborn muse, the poem, Vermin, and the photograph of my writer's block pencil are for your consolation.

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