Sunday, September 18, 2011

Edible Flowers

Edible Flowers
Edible Flowers
They’re all the rage in haute cuisine and they’re a lot of fun.  Edible flowers add glamour to any dish, and you can pick them from your garden.
Not all flowers are edible, but a few local favourites include nasturtiums, bachelor’s buttons, calendula, violas and rose petals. When choosing flowers make sure they’re from a garden that’s not sprayed, and preferably organic.
As a garnish, edible flowers add a touch of colour and elegance to any meal.  They can be tossed into a salad for a delightful effect, and they dress up desserts beautifully.
Though many flowers have a fairly bland flavour, the flowers and leaves of nasturtiums have a subtle peppery taste.  Seed pods can be used as a substitute for capers.
Petals of calendula, bachelor’s button and violas add great visual appeal with their beautiful colours.  And rose petals have a subtle taste and perfume that is legendary.

Edible Flowers
Edible Flowers
Edible Flowers
Edible Flowers

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