Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Although (MY) garden is a lovely place, was it worthy of so fine a guest?'

A dragonfly came to see me — or my Autumn Clematis — in my urban terrace garden earlier in the week, and since (A) summer is closing in on us (the season of autumn begins at five o'clock in the morning tomorrow) and (B) I live in a city, this was an unusual occurrence. Although the city I live in is New York City, and perhaps the creature had heard Frank Sinatra crooning, "If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere. It's up you New York, New York . . . "
In any event, the lovely insect permitted me to take its photograph with the Autumn Clematis's flowers; and my seeing the creature enjoying itself prompted me to think of the 1971 Fleetwood Mac Golden Oldie known as Dragonfly, a song which was inspired  by "the tramp poet" AKA W. H. Davies, who wrote a poem about dragonflies which inspired the following lyrics from Fleetwood Mac:

"And when the roses are half buds half flowers
 And loveliest the king of flies has come — 
 It was a fleeting visit, all too brief
 In three short minutes, he had been and gone

 He rested there upon an apple leaf
 A gorgeous opal crown set on his head
 Although the garden is a lovely place
 Was it worthy of so fine a guest?

 Oh . . . 
 Oh . . .
 Oh . . .
 Oh . . .

Dragonfly, dragonfly, dragonfly . . . "

Long before this surprise and much appreciated visit, I had read (for full article click here) that the visit of a dragonfly is designed to remind us "that living is the moment, the breadth of now. Happiness is the spark within, new beginnings are possible, transformation can happen. There is hope and there is change coming." 

Well, change is imminent since today, Thursday the twenty-second of September, will be the last full day of summer for the 2011 season. Some gardeners, such as  the infamous (and recently departed) Eleanor Perényi, did greet the season of autumn with a "feeling of suspense"; in her book, Green Thoughts, in a chapter titled Autumn, Perényi pondered the season's onset in the garden as this :"When will the final curtain fall?"   

As for me and my gardening endeavors, I am too busy enjoying my fall blooming perennials and the bees playing with my Hyssop as discussed in this past Tuesday's blog entry to ponder "when the curtain will fall", and besides, my Autumn Clematis (a vine I have written about in a number of blog entries which you may refer to by clicking here as well as here and here) and I have just been visited by a dragonfly!

Hopefully, the dragonfly's visit a visit, that supposedly (as indicated in the aforementioned quote) is a symbol that "beginnings are possible, transformation can happen. There is hope and there is change coming" will prove to be prophetic: As many of you know, I have added my services of producing virtual stories and visual presentations to my on-line brochure, where information about my greeting cards that are about more than communication, invitations that preserve a moment in time and event program covers that enhance any occasion has been available.

I am very excited about the response I have received regarding my new endeavors, and, dear reader, if you'd like to visit my redesigned on-line brochure, please click here. Meanwhile, as an introductory offer, I will be giving boxed sets of my note-cards (including shipping and handling) to any referrals which result in a booking of my new services.


P.S. As always, dear reader, I appreciate it when you weigh in with your comments, thoughts, ideas and reactions. If you are new to posting this type of thing, you may click here for directions.

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