Monday, October 24, 2011

"If it's Tuesday, it must be . . ." tumblr. Week Five

It's Tuesday again! And not only is it Tuesday, it is the last Tuesday of October 2011, meaning there are only seven (including today) days until Halloween. The New York Botanical Garden's tumblr (nybg) pages are full of news regarding events to honor this occasion, especially ones that center around the carving of world's fourth largest pumpkin (which weighs 1,693 pounds) that took place this past Friday (click here for the story) and whose seeds can fetch up to $1,000.00 a piece!

My learning about the hefty prices those seeds are selling for caused me to think of D-Man, the young boy who lives in the building directly west of me and maintains a little garden as I have indicated in my previous posts which you may refer to by clicking here as well as here (and if you'd like to read what he said about my garden, please refer to the comments made on a blog entry which I made in the month of May (2010) by clicking here).

Meanwhile, one of D-Man's garden endeavors is caring for his pumpkin plant, whose seeds — he hopes — may ultimately produce the next pumpkin to set the world record for pumpkin size! Therefore, in honor of pumpkins and urban garden endeavors, I've put a shout out to D-man's efforts (using a narrative with images including the same ones posted above today's blog entry) on nybg tumblr! After all, another thing about today being Tuesday, it must be tumblr, so please click here to go there!

P.S. As always, dear reader, I appreciate it when you weigh in with your thoughts, ideas and reactions. If you are new to posting this type of thing, you may click here for directions. And, just a reminder, letting you know that if you still have not had a chance to get Halloween cards, I have designed some interesting ones that fold out into a picture which is suitable for framing! Please click here to view my selections of delightful greeting cards that are "located" in the Card Shoppe Pages of my web-site, Patricia Youngquist Photo Art.  

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