Tuesday, October 18, 2011

WEDNESDAY'S WISDOM for the indoor gardener (and other interested parties) . . .

In my past few blog posts, I have mentioned Halloween and I realize that I am beginning to sound a bit like Linus Van Pelt (Charlie Brown's buddy) and his constant talk of Halloween as he anticipated a visit from The Great Pumpkin! In my case, of course, I want my readers to take advantage of an opportunity to send Halloween cards that fold out into a picture which is suitable for framing designed by yours truly (to view them. please click here), but I have also wanted to share with you (using whatever wisdom I have left in me these days) my ideas on decorating your garden for this unique time of year before we roll over into the "W" word known as winter. If you'd like to refer to one of my posts regarding garden decor for Halloween, please click here.

However, since I am aware of the fact that some of my readers do not have outdoor space to use for gardens, and I don't want them to feel left out, today I will weigh in with ideas on how you might like to decorate any indoor succulent garden that you might have, such as Tony has. To read about his garden and to see related images please click here for the link to the post in which I wrote about his indoor succulent garden earlier this year.

Indoor succulent gardens are nice to have whether you have an outdoor garden or not, and I find joy in giving mine the respect it's due by decorating it differently throughout the year, as evident in my previous posts about this endeavor, which you may find by clicking here as well as here and here.

This is the first year that I have decorated my indoor garden for Halloween, and my succulents seem to enjoy the mischievous figurines, such as the one seen in the image in the top left hand corner of today's blog entry; and so, without further ado, below are some photographs that illustrate how I've decorated my indoor succulent in the event you might need an idea on how to spruce up yours for this fun holiday. The first one shows an over-view of the grand scheme of things in my indoor succulent garden, the second is a photographic collage comprised of the individual decorations.

AND, I'd like to see your indoor gardens too, dear reader, SO, feel free to share your images with me! As always, I appreciate it when you weigh in with your comments, thoughts, ideas and reactions, so please feel free to share your any of your "blog-post-related-stuff"; and, if you are new to posting this type of thing, you may click here for directions on how to do so. Meanwhile, if you have not had a chance to extend Halloween wishes to others with a greeting card, now is the perfect time to consider my unique collection, because each of my Halloween cards fold out into a picture that is suitable for framing! All of my cards are available in the Card Shoppe Pages of my web-site, Patricia Youngquist Photo Art which you may visit by clicking here.

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