Thursday, September 8, 2011

REPRISE: "Love thy neighbor —  but don't pull down your hedge."

The photograph posted above shows my Cardinal Climber AKA Ipomocea  multifida or "CC" thoroughly enjoying its somewhat new (six weeks) digs in my urban terrace garden. As you may recall, the Cardinal Climber was a gift from a friend, who gave me some CC Plants near the onset of the last week of July.
The photograph used to announce their arrival in my urban terrace garden can be seen below.

You may recognize this image, dear reader, because it was also included with the narrative (blog post) of the Cardinal Climber's arrival. I have included it again today to emphasize just how quickly the Cardinal Climber grows, in the event that you, or someone near and dear to you, needs a quick fix in your respective gardens.
I am not normally one who likes a quick fix — I stand corrected — I am no longer one who craves quick fixes (in the garden at least; my "other life" is another story), but, when I was given the Cardinal Climber, it was another effort to fill in my pain from having lost my beloved Honeysuckle Vine to man-made elements — and to fill in my trellis, so I could have privacy from voyeur neighbors, neighbors which I mentioned in a post titled, Love thy neighbor . . . but don't pull your hedge), as mentioned in a prior entry which you may refer to by clicking here.

In any event, whether it crawls up a trellis and gives you privacy or not, many garden lovers appreciate the small, bright crimson-colored flowers of the Cardinal Climber, because of the way they look against the green fern-like foliage, and that is why I am sharing my experiences with it with you. While I have not planted annual vines for quite some time, the Cardinal Climber is a joy to behold; and makes a great photo-op, as evidenced by the images posted below.

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