Friday, December 31, 2010

Here's to more Toastin' 'n Postin' in 2011! Happy New Year, Dear Reader . . . and Happy First Anniversary to my First Blog . . . The Last Leaf Gardener

It is the last day of 2010 and I kept my resolution laid out in my very first blog post one year ago, which you can read here. I am encouraging you to scroll through last year's blog entries and make a comment. Did you strongly agree or disagree with a given post? Did a certain post provide you with a new insight? Do you have an insight based on something I've written? I'd appreciate knowing all of these things, as well as how you plan to spend your New Year's Eve

As for me, tonight on New Year's Eve, after I do some "home deliveries" of my New Year's herbs (that I have harvested from my roof-top extension urban garden, and which I've blogged about in a previous post),  I will go to Central Park to watch the fireworks and the Midnight Run, but first let me wish my readers a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year and to thank you on this blog's anniversary for your support. 

"Here's to more toasting and posting!" (Watch my Movie)

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