Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Help Wanted (Per Request of Penniestum setaceum and Acer palmatum)

Dear Reader, 
I'm the Pennisetum setaceum (or as Purple Fountain Grass to my close friends) that can be seen in the left corner (in front of an Acer  palmatum tree who also goes by 'Shisitatsu sawa') of the photograph posted above, and I am writing on behalf of the author of this blog, Patricia Youngquist, who happens to be the gardener who takes care of us. 

We need your help. As you may know, Ms. Youngquist is also a photo-artist and often creates exquisite greeting cards, invitations and event program covers using images she takes of  the herbs, plants, shrubs and trees that she grows in her  urban garden. She even includes them in the store-front pages within her web-site (where purchase information is available) and often includes selections in her downloadable paper brochure. At this time she has been preparing new selections with beautiful images to add to these places, and we are so excited because she has been promising — since this past September — to include us in this particular collection. Now she is fretting because she cannot come up with a 3D image of us to add to her web-site, and we are afraid we won't be included in that venue! Can you believe someone has told her that she needs to present her cards in 3D as opposed to flat?

According to Ms. Youngquist, she has "been trying to create this 3D effect (to showcase her line of greeting cards, invitations and event program covers) with Google Sketch-Up" as she does not have Illustrator. We know she has been working with someone on creating this effect, but they have not been unable to get the results  that they want with Photo-Shop CS3 (the photo posted above is what a consultant and she have been able to achieve).

We have always wanted to be in pictures, so the Acer and I have been looking forward to being a part of the new collection of cards, invitations and event program covers; and today, we are posting on Youngquist's behalf to see if you dear reader have a suggestion on how she might create a 3D image —  and we will even ask her to send you some cards if she achieves good results.

With thanks (and hope that spring arrives soon),
Penniestum setaceum and Acer palmatum

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