Friday, May 20, 2011

Press Release: Get your Popcorn Ready! Now on Vimeo: "The Kiwi Speaks! Fifteen Minutes of Fame (almost)"

As promised in yesterday's post: Get your popcorn ready, and be prepared to "Sit, back, Relax and Enjoy the Show" (the catch phrase written by someone I've discussed in a previous post), with this movie trailer that I've produced, and have posted above. In this trailer, I am announcing the release of my first garden themed movie (based on my urban garden) The Kiwi Speaks: Fifteen Minutes of Fame (almost) staring Actinida kolomikta. The supporting cast (in order of appearance) is as follows: Pilot Captain Green-Thumb, Avellana corylus (Contorted Hazel Nut), Acer palmatum var. disscetum 'Tamukeyama' (Japanese Red Maple), Clematis paniculata (Autumn Clematis) and Paeonia suffruiticosa (Tree Peony). 

And with that, dear reader, I am proud to announce that not only may you view the trailer within this bog entry; The Kiwi Speaks: Fifteen Minutes of Fame (almost) is now on Vimeo!  View it by clicking here.

The movie and the trailer are dedicated to my grandfather, Albert Elmer Herman Louis Melahn who lived from May 19th 1903-January 24th 1978, and who can be seen in the photograph below.

Albert Elmer Herman Louis Melahn is a probable influence in my love of gardening (as discussed in a very early posting at the onset of this blog which you can read by clicking here). 

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